Bulldog Mtn Fire

Information about wildfires, prescribed burns, and other fire related info for the 2021 season.
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Re: Bulldog Mtn Fire

Post by pasayten »

Morning operational briefing from Cindi Tonasket-Ebel, Operations Planning Section Chief Trainee, for the ##bulldogmtnfire and #mackmtnfire located on #ColvilleNF #FireYear2021

https://www.facebook.com/colvillenf/vid ... 6595322599
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Re: Bulldog Mtn Fire

Post by pasayten »

Bulldog & Mack Mountain Fires Update 8-31
Bulldog Mountain Wildfire
News – 12 min. ago
Kettle Falls, WA – Yesterday, firefighters completed a successful burning operation on the northern flank of the Bulldog Mountain Fire with assistance from air resources. Crews will look to conduct another burning operation on the southern flank to bring the fire down to the road.

Firefighters will continue to patrol and mop up along the northern flank and take actions to hold the remainder of the fire within containment lines. The removal of dangerous snags and chipping was finished along the South Boulder road and in the Davis Lake area to prepare those roads in the event that the fire moves out of its current footprint.

On the Mack Mountain Fire, fire behavior has remained minimal. Firefighters will continue to monitor and improve fire lines that are currently in place. Air resources will monitor both the Bulldog Mountain and Mack Mountain Fires for active fire behavior, while crews continue road grading around the fires for the next few days.

Today, the weather will be slightly cooler with higher relative humidity. There will still be active fire behavior but not as much as was seen the last two days. There is a cold front moving into the area today with possible showers lingering into Wednesday.

Citizens should remain vigilant and are strongly encouraged to sign up for alerts at Ferry County Alerts. Motorists traveling on Boulder Hwy and SR395 should watch for heavy equipment and firefighters turning off and onto the roadway. Firefighter and public safety is our number one priority.

Smoke: Current weather conditions will moderate smoke impacts throughout the area today.

Closures: An area closure is in effect on Colville National Forest lands in the vicinity of the Bulldog Mountain Fire. For more information on area and road closures on the Colville National Forest, please visit: https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DO ... 938379.pdf

Citizens are asked to stay clear of the fire area and comply with area closures.

While current weather conditions provide respite from the extreme fire potential present in northeast Washington, the forest can quickly dry out again in the many weeks of fire season ahead. Please continue to do all you can to prevent wildfires.

The Colville National Forest is at IFPL level 3. Road closures remain in effect.

The Incident Command Post is located in Inchelium, WA. A spike camp will remain in place in Kettle Falls, WA to support the Bulldog Mountain and Mack Mountain Fires.
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Re: Bulldog Mtn Fire

Post by pasayten »

Bulldog & Mack Mountain Fires Update 8-29
Bulldog Mountain Wildfire
News – 16 hrs. ago
Kettle Falls, WA – Yesterday, fire behavior on the southeast flank of the Bulldog Mountain fire showed active burning fuels exposed to sunlight. Firefighters patrolled and took actions to hold the remainder of the fire within containment lines.

Chipping of fuels and the removal of dangerous snags continue along the South Boulder road and in the Davis Lake area to prepare these roads in the event that the fire moves out of its current footprint. Tactical firing operations will occur on the northeast and potentially south of the Bulldog Mountain fire today.

On the Mack Mountain fire, crews will continue to monitor and improve fire lines. Air resources will monitor both the Bulldog Mountain and Mack Mountain fires for active fire behavior. There will also be crews out working on patrolling the roads around the Bulldog Mountain and Mack Mountain fires.

Along with the warmer temperatures experienced yesterday, there was low relative humidity and higher southwest winds which prompted active fire behavior and elevated smoke. This weather is expected to persist for the next couple days.

Citizens should remain vigilant and are strongly encouraged to sign up for alerts at Ferry County Alerts. Motorists traveling on Boulder Hwy and SR395 should watch for heavy equipment and firefighters turning off and onto the roadway. Firefighter and public safety is our number one priority.

Smoke: Current weather conditions will moderate smoke impacts throughout the area today.

Closures: An area closure is in effect on Colville National Forest lands in the vicinity of the Bulldog Mountain Fire. For more information on area and road closures on the Colville National Forest, please visit: https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DO ... 938379.pdf

Citizens are asked to stay clear of the fire area and comply with area closures.

While current weather conditions provide respite from the extreme fire potential present in northeast Washington, the forest can quickly dry out again in the many weeks of fire season ahead. Please continue to do all you can to prevent wildfires.

The Colville National Forest is at IFPL level 3. Road closures remain in effect.

The Incident Command Post is located in Inchelium, WA. A spike camp will remain in place in Kettle Falls, WA to support the Bulldog Mountain and Mack Mountain Fires.
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Re: Bulldog Mtn Fire

Post by pasayten »

Bulldog & Mack Mountain Fires Update 8-27
Bulldog Mountain Wildfire
News – 12 hrs. ago
Kettle Falls, WA – Yesterday on the Bulldog Mountain fire, chipping of fuels along the northeast edge continued. Firefighters patrolled and took actions to hold the remainder of the fire within containment lines.

Work will continue today to chip woody material and remove dangerous snags along the South Boulder Road. Firefighters expect to complete chipping along the 800 Road on the east side of the Mack fire in the next two days. This work will prepare the road as a fire line in the event that the fire moves out of its current footprint.

Cloudy weather helped to moderate fire behavior yesterday. Today, slightly cooler and windier weather is expected as a cold front passed over the area last night. Even with these conditions, smoke may be visible as the fire continues to back down to the South Boulder Creek road.

Citizens should remain vigilant and are strongly encouraged to sign up for alerts at Ferry County Alerts. Motorists traveling on Boulder Hwy and SR395 should watch for heavy equipment and firefighters turning off and onto the roadway. Firefighter and public safety is our number one priority.

Smoke: Current weather conditions will moderate smoke impacts throughout the area today.

Closures: An area closure is in effect on Colville National Forest lands in the vicinity of the Bulldog Mountain Fire. For more information on area and road closures on the Colville National Forest, please visit: https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DO ... 938379.pdf

Citizens are asked to stay clear of the fire area and comply with area closures.

While current weather conditions provide respite from the extreme fire potential present in northeast Washington, the forest can quickly dry out again in the many weeks of fire season ahead. Please continue to do all you can to prevent wildfires.

The Incident Command Post is located in Inchelium, WA. A spike camp will remain in place in Kettle Falls, WA to support the Bulldog Mountain and Mack Mountain Fires.
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Re: Bulldog Mtn Fire

Post by pasayten »

Morning operational briefing from Cindi Tonasket-Ebel, Operations Planning Section Chief Trainee, for the Bulldog Mountain and Mack Mountain Fires located on #ColvilleNF #FireYear2021

https://www.facebook.com/colvillenf/vid ... 7807020976
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Re: Bulldog Mtn Fire

Post by pasayten »

Bulldog & Mack Mountain Fires Update 8-25
Bulldog Mountain Wildfire
News – 1:46 hrs. ago
Kettle Falls, WA –Taking advantage of another day of reduced fire behavior, firefighters continued holding the Bulldog Mountain and Mack Mountain fires within their current perimeters yesterday. Slightly higher temperatures and lower humidity was enough to dry out fuels in areas exposed to sun, causing them to burn at low intensity and put up some smoke.

On both fires, the construction of direct containment line along the fire’s edge is not possible due to the steep and inaccessible terrain. Firefighters are completing and reinforcing indirect containment lines where terrain and access permit, usually at some distance from the fire’s edge. These lines utilize existing roads and some newly constructed hand and dozer line, which will surround both fires when completed.

Work is nearly complete to the south of Mack Mountain Fire to connect the last link of a contingency line from Albion Hill to Deadman Creek. Mastication of large woody materials along the 320 Road northeast of the fire is also nearly complete.

Warmer temperatures and slightly increased winds are predicted for the next several days. There is a 50% chance of rain by Thursday night into Friday morning, with rainfall amounts predicted to range from .10 to .20 inches.

Citizens should remain vigilant and are strongly encouraged to sign up for alerts at Ferry County Alerts. Motorists traveling on Boulder Hwy and SR395 should watch for heavy equipment and firefighters turning off and onto the roadway. Firefighter and public safety is our number one priority.

Smoke: Current weather conditions will moderate smoke impacts throughout the area today.

Closures: An area closure is in effect on Colville National Forest lands in the vicinity of the Bulldog Mountain Fire. For more information on area and road closures on the Colville National Forest, please visit: https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DO ... 938379.pdf

Citizens are asked to stay clear of the fire area and comply with area closures.

While current weather conditions provide respite from the extreme fire potential present in northeast Washington, the forest can quickly dry out again in the many weeks of fire season ahead. Please continue to do all you can to prevent wildfires.

The Incident Command Post has been relocated to Inchelium as Team 7 also assumes command of the Summit Trail Fire. A spike camp will remain in place to support the Bulldog Mountain and Mack Mountain Fires.
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Re: Bulldog Mtn Fire

Post by pasayten »

Bulldog & Mack Mountain Fire Update 8-23
Bulldog Mountain Wildfire
News – 1:11 hrs. ago
Kettle Falls, WA – In cooperation withNW Team 7 and Ferry County Emergency Management, the Ferry County Sheriff’s Office has lifted all evacuation notices and orders related to the Bulldog Mountain and Mack Mountain Fires. The fires are not currently posing a threat to residential areas during this period of cool, wet weather.

The continued mild weather has kept fire behavior minimal and this pattern is expected to persist for the next several days. Warmer temperatures and slightly increased winds are predicted by the end of the week which could increase fire behavior.

On the Bulldog Mountain Fire the construction of direct containment lines along the fire’s edge is not possible in most of this steep and inaccessible terrain. Firefighters are building indirect containment lines where terrain and access permit, usually at some distance from the fire’s current edge. Additional work is underway to build contingency fire lines, which can be used if the fire escapes the primary direct and indirect lines.

On the Mack Mountain Fire, dozers continue to create fire line ahead of the southeast flank, with fallers removing snags along either side of the line. Masticators are being used on Deadman Creek Road to help tie the fire line into Albion Hill Road.

Citizens should remain vigilant and are strongly encouraged to sign up for alerts at Ferry County Alerts. Motorists traveling on the Boulder Hwy and SR395 should watch for heavy equipment and firefighters turning off and onto the roadway. Firefighter and public safety is our number one priority.

Smoke: Current weather conditions will moderate smoke impacts throughout the area today.

Closures: An area closure is in effect on Colville National Forest lands in the vicinity of the Bulldog Mountain Fire. For more information on area and road closures on the Colville National Forest, please visit: https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DO ... 938379.pdf

Citizens are asked to stay clear of the fire area and adhere to area closures.

While current weather conditions provide respite from the extreme fire potential present in northeast Washington, the forest will quickly dry out again in the many weeks of fire season ahead. Please continue do all you can to prevent wildfires.

The Incident Command Post is located at the Community Colleges of Spokane – Colville, 985 S. Elm Street, Colville, WA 99114.
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Re: Bulldog Mtn Fire

Post by pasayten »

Ferry County Sheriff Lifts Evacuation Notice
Bulldog Mountain Wildfire
Announcements – 56 min. ago

Bulldog Mountain and Mack Mountain Fires

August 22, 2021

Fire Information: 207-907-1829

E-mail: 2021.bulldogmountain@firenet.gov

Kettle Falls, WA – The Ferry County Sheriff’s Office has lifted all evacuation notices and orders related to the Bulldog Mountain and Mack Mountain Fires. The fires are not currently posing a threat to residential areas during this period of cool, wet weather.

Closures: An area closure remains in effect on Colville National Forest lands in the vicinity of the Bulldog Mountain Fire. For more information on area and road closures on the Colville National Forest, please visit: https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DO ... 938379.pdf

Citizens are asked to stay clear of the fire area and adhere to area closures. While current weather conditions provide respite from the extreme fire potential present in northeast Washington, the forest will quickly dry out again in the many weeks of fire season ahead. Please continue do all you can to prevent wildfires.
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Re: Bulldog Mtn Fire

Post by pasayten »

Bulldog & Mack Mountain Fire Update 8-22
Bulldog Mountain Wildfire
News – 3 hrs. ago
Kettle Falls, WA – Yesterday’s rain continued to keep both fires from spreading and made access for firefighters difficult. Saturated soils make fire-weakened trees more likely to fall, creating additional safety concerns.

Fire behavior is expected to be minimal for both the Bulldog Mountain and the Mack Mountain fires for the next several days because of continued cool temperatures and high humidity. Increased winds are forecast for today. By the end of the week, warmer, dryer weather will return, creating a potential for increased fire behavior.

Crews will continue to work on and enforce indirect fire line and contingency lines around the fires today. Hose lays, used to bring water closer to the fire’s edge, will be added to the north and east flanks of the Bulldog Mountain Fire. Firefighters will also scout out additional areas where they can build direct line.

On the Mack Mountain Fire, dozers will be creating fireline ahead of the southeast flank, with fallers removing snags along either side of the line.

Citizens should remain vigilant and are strongly encouraged to sign up for alerts at Ferry County Alerts. Motorists traveling on the Boulder Hwy and SR395 should watch for heavy equipment and firefighters turning off and onto the roadway. Firefighter and public safety is our number one priority.

Smoke: Current weather conditions will moderate smoke impacts throughout the area today.

Evacuations: Level 1 (advisory) evacuation orders and road closures are in place for Boulder Creek, Hodgson Lakin Road, Hodgson Spur Road, Archer Drive and Price Road. For current evacuation orders please visit the Ferry County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. Boulder Creek Highway and State Route 395 remain open.

Closures: An area closure is in effect on Colville National Forest lands in the vicinity of the Bulldog Mountain Fire. For more information on area and road closures on the Colville National Forest, please visit: https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DO ... 938379.pdf

Citizens are asked to stay clear of the fire area and adhere to area closures.

While current weather conditions provide respite from the extreme fire potential present in northeast Washington, the forest will quickly dry out again in the many weeks of fire season ahead. Please continue do all you can to prevent wildfires.

The Incident Command Post is located at the Community Colleges of Spokane – Colville, 985 S. Elm Street, Colville, WA 99114.
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Re: Bulldog Mtn Fire

Post by pasayten »

Bulldog & Mack Mountain Fire Update 8-21-2021
Bulldog & Mack Mountain Fire Update 8-21-2021
Bulldog Mountain Wildfire
News – 11 hrs. ago
Kettle Falls, WA – Northwest Incident Management Team 7 took command of the Bulldog Mountain and Mack Mountain Fires this morning at 7:00 a.m.
Yesterday Team 7 shadowed Northeast Washington Interagency Incident Management Team 2 assessing both fires for future operational needs.
Crews will continue to work on and enforce indirect fire line and contingency lines around the fires. Firefighters will also scout out areas where they can build direct line on the Bulldog Mountain Fire.
Fire behavior is expected to be minimal for both the Bulldog Mountain and the Mack Mountain fires due to the cold front moving through the area. Cooler temperatures with higher relative humidity will be in place for the next several days. Warmer temperatures will likely return, drying out fuels next week.
There is a chance for thunderstorms in the area and a flood watch is in effect for the fire areas until tonight.
Citizens should remain vigilant and are strongly encouraged to sign up for alerts at Ferry County Alerts. Motorists traveling on the Boulder Hwy and SR395 should watch for heavy equipment and firefighters turning off and onto the roadway. Firefighter and public safety is our number one priority.
Smoke: Current weather conditions will moderate smoke impacts throughout the area today.
Evacuations: Level 1 (advisory) evacuation orders and road closures are in place for Boulder Creek, Hodgson Lakin Road, Hodgson Spur Road, Archer Drive and Price Road. For current evacuation orders please see Ferry County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. Boulder Creek Highway and State Route 395 remain open.
Closures: An area closure is in effect on Colville National Forest lands in the vicinity of the Bulldog Mountain Fire. For more information on area and road closures on the Colville National Forest, please see: https://www.fs.usda.gov/.../FSE_DOCUMEN ... 938379.pdf
Citizens are asked to stay clear of the fire area and adhere to road and area closures.
The Incident Command Post is located at the Community Colleges of Spokane – Colville, 985 S. Elm Street, Colville, WA 99114.
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Re: Bulldog Mtn Fire

Post by pasayten »

#BulldogMtnFire Update 8-20-21
Bulldog Mountain Fire: Yesterday firefighters completed work securing indirect containment line on the last portion of the NE corner of the fire. This critical piece of fire line will be vital in keeping the fire from spreading closer to private land and residents on the Hodgson-Lakin Road. Scouting continued on the west side of Bulldog Mt to access areas that more indirect containment lines may be established in the future closer to the fires edge. Contingency fire line construction work continued through Davis Lake and Deadman Creek.
Today Northwest Incident Management Team 7 will be working with our team to facilitate a smooth transfer of command tomorrow at 6 am. Fire crews will continue the tough work of strengthening existing containment lines and patrolling the fires edge in places.
The Bulldog Mountain Fire started August 5. 2021, located 20 miles north of Kettle Falls. The lightning caused fire spread quickly due to low relative humidity and unseasonably dry conditions. The fire is burning in heavy timber and slash. The fire is currently estimated at 5087 acres with 5% containment.
Mack Mountain Fire: The Mack Mountain Fire started August 5, 2021 and is just south west of the Bulldog Mountain Fire. The fire is estimated at approximately 1210 acres. Residents in the Deadman Creek area will see increased firefighting traffic as crews move more heavy equipment into the area. The fire area is located in steep, rugged terrain with limited access. Firefighters will work west on N Deadman Creek Road and north on Albian Road to strengthen these roads for indirect fire line. Heavy Equipment work is underway to establish indirect fire line to the east of the fire.
Citizens should remain vigilant and are strongly encouraged to sign up for alerts at Ferry County Alerts. Motorists traveling on the Boulder Hwy and SR395 should watch for heavy equipment and firefighters turning off and onto the roadway. There are 200 personnel assigned to the incident. There have been two minor injuries with no structures lost. Firefighter and public safety is our number one priority.
Level 1 evacuation orders and road closures are in place. For current evacuation orders please see Ferry County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. Boulder Creek Hwy and State Route 395 remain open. For information on area & road closures on the Colville National Forest please see https://www.fs.usda.gov/.../FSE_DOCUMEN ... 938379.pdf Citizens are asked to stay clear of the fire area and adhere to road and area closures.
Northeast Washington IMT 2 assumed command of the fire August 7th, a type 2 incident management team has been ordered. Fire information and the incident command post is located at Kettle Falls High School in Kettle Falls, WA. Fire information contact is Jeff Sevigney 509 993-2946 or you can also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/newimt3/ and Inciweb at https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7785/
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Re: Bulldog Mtn Fire

Post by pasayten »

Bulldog & Mack Mountain Fire Update 8-19-21
Bulldog Mountain Wildfire
News – 3 hrs. ago
Bulldog Mountain Fire: Yesterday mild weather over the fire helped crews make good progress. Firefighters continued working on the NE corner of the fire and were able to construct another indirect fire line to keep the fire away from private land and residents on the Hodgson-Lakin Rd. Crews were also successful in scouting and constructing additional indirect line to the west of the fire. Contingency line construction continued in the Davis Lake and Deadman Creek areas.

Today firefighters will strengthen indirect containment lines on northeast and west flanks of the fire. Firefighters will patrol and perform direct fire attack on FS Road 6110 where appropriate. Heavy equipment will be active again in Davis Lake and Deadman Creek. Aircraft will be requested to assist if needed.

The Bulldog Mountain Fire started August 5. 2021, located 20 miles north of Kettle Falls. The lightning caused fire spread quickly due to low relative humidity and unseasonably dry conditions. The fire is burning in heavy timber and slash. The fire is currently estimated at 5087 acres with 5% containment.

Mack Mountain Fire:The Mack Mountain Fire started August 5, 2021 and is just south west of the Bulldog Mountain Fire. The fire is estimated at approximately 1210 acres. Residents in the Deadman Creek area will see increased firefighting traffic as crews move more heavy equipment into the area. The fire area is located in steep, rugged terrain with limited access. Firefighters will work west on Deadman Creek Road to strengthen the road as an indirect fire line. Scouting work is underway to establish indirect fire line to the east of the fire.

Citizens should remain vigilant and are strongly encouraged to sign up for alerts at Ferry County Alerts. Motorists traveling on the Boulder Hwy and SR395 should watch for heavy equipment and firefighters turning off and onto the roadway. There are 200 personnel assigned to the incident. There have been two minor injuries with no structures lost. Firefighter and public safety is our number one priority.

Level 1 evacuation orders and road closures are in place. For current evacuation orders please see Ferry County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. Boulder Creek Hwy and State Route 395 remain open. For information on area & road closures on the Colville National Forest please see https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DO ... 938379.pdf Citizens are asked to stay clear of the fire area and adhere to road and area closures.

Northeast Washington IMT 2 assumed command of the fire August 7th, a type 2 incident management team has been ordered. Fire information and the incident command post is located at Kettle Falls High School in Kettle Falls, WA. Fire information contact is Jeff Sevigney 509 993-2946 or you can also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/newimt3/ and Inciweb at https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7785/
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Re: Bulldog Mtn Fire

Post by pasayten »

#BulldogMtnFire Update 8-18-21
Bulldog Mountain Fire: Yesterday low pressure moved into the region and assisted firefighters on the ground with wetting rain in the afternoon. Crews conducted direct fire attack on the NE portion of the fire including some burnout operations to help tie in direct fire line to established containment lines.
Forest Service Road 6110 continues to hold the fire from spreading to the east. Heavy equipment crews continued contingency fire line construction into Deadman Creek.
Today firefighters will continue with small burnouts to help strengthen fire lines where the fire is approaching. Heavy equipment will work east of the fire to strengthen established contingency lines. Scouting continues to the west to determine places where additional indirect fire line construction may occur. Aircraft will be requested to assist if needed.
The Bulldog Mountain Fire started August 5. 2021, located 20 miles north of Kettle Falls. The lightning caused fire spread quickly due to low relative humidity and unseasonably dry conditions. The fire is burning in heavy timber and slash. The fire is currently estimated at 4625 acres with 5% containment.
Mack Mountain Fire: The Mack Mountain Fire started August 5, 2021 and is just south west of the Bulldog Mountain Fire. The fire is estimated at approximately 1200 acres. Residents in the Deadman Creek area will see increased firefighting traffic as crews move more heavy equipment into the area. The fire area is located in steep, rugged terrain with limited access. Firefighters will work west on Deadman Creek Road to strengthen the road as an indirect fire line. Scouting work is underway to establish indirect fire line to the east of the fire.
Citizens should remain vigilant and are strongly encouraged to sign up for alerts at Ferry County Alerts. Motorists traveling on the Boulder Hwy and SR395 should watch for heavy equipment and firefighters turning off and onto the roadway. There are 180 personnel assigned to the incident. There have been two minor injuries with no structures lost. Firefighter and public safety is our number one priority.
Level 1 evacuation orders and road closures are in place. For current evacuation orders please see Ferry County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. Boulder Creek Hwy and State Route 395 remain open. For information on area & road closures on the Colville National Forest please see https://www.fs.usda.gov/.../FSE_DOCUMEN ... 938379.pdf Citizens are asked to stay clear of the fire area and adhere to road and area closures.
Northeast Washington IMT 2 assumed command of the fire August 7th. Fire information and the incident command post is located at Kettle Falls High School in Kettle Falls, WA. Fire information contact is Jeff Sevigney 509 993-2946 or you can also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/newimt3/ and Inciweb at https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7785/
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Re: Bulldog Mtn Fire

Post by pasayten »

#BullldogMtnFire Update 8-17-21
Bulldog Mountain Fire: Yesterday firefighters observed moderate fire behavior and were successful in keeping the fire within established containment lines. Helicopters were used early in the day to assist fire crews on the ground. The fire was held west of FS Road 6110. Heavy equipment were also successful constructing contingency lines in the Davis Lake and Deadman Creek areas.
Today firefighters will engage in direct fire attack in areas that are safe to do so. Heavy equipment will be used to complete contingency lines in the Davis Lake and Deadman Creek areas. Aircraft will be requested to assist if needed.
The Bulldog Mountain Fire started August 5. 2021, located 20 miles north of Kettle Falls. The lightning caused fire spread quickly due to low relative humidity and unseasonably dry conditions. The fire is burning in heavy timber and slash. The fire is currently estimated at 4625 acres with 5% containment.
Mack Mountain Fire: The Mack Mountain Fire started August 5, 2021 and is just south west of the Bulldog Mountain Fire. The fire has grown and is estimated at approximately 1200 acres. Residents in the Deadman Creek area will see smoke from the fire. The fire area is located in steep, rugged terrain with limited access. Firefighters will move heavy equipment into the area today to begin the difficult task of establishing indirect and contingency containment lines.
Citizens should remain vigilant and are strongly encouraged to sign up for alerts at Ferry County Alerts. Motorists traveling on the Boulder Hwy should watch for heavy equipment and firefighters turning off and onto the roadway. There are 174 personnel assigned to the incident. There have been two minor injuries with no structures lost. Firefighter and public safety is our number one priority.
Level 1 evacuation orders and road closures are in place. For current evacuation orders please see Ferry County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. Boulder Creek Hwy and State Route 395 remain open. For information on area & road closures on the Colville National Forest please see https://www.fs.usda.gov/.../FSE_DOCUMEN ... 938379.pdf Citizens are asked to stay clear of the fire area and adhere to road and area closures.
Northeast Washington IMT 2 assumed command of the fire August 7th. Fire information and the incident command post is located at Kettle Falls High School in Kettle Falls, WA. Fire information contact is Jeff Sevigney 509 993-2946 or you can also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/newimt3/ and Inciweb at https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7785/
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Re: Bulldog Mth Fire

Post by pasayten »

#BulldogMtnFire Perimeter Map 8-16-21
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Re: Bulldog Mth Fire

Post by pasayten »

#BulldogMtnFire Update 8-16-21
Bulldog Mountain Fire: Yesterday the fire grew late in the afternoon with the change in weather that brought clearing skies and breezy conditions. Firefighters worked through the night to keep the fire within established indirect containment lines. Helicopters were called to work with crews on the ground to keep the fire west of FS Road 6110. Heavy equipment continued working to establish contingency fire lines around the fire.
Today early assessments will be conducted on fire lines that have been established and adjustments to those lines based on the fire behavior observed. Contingency fire line construction will be focused near Davis Lake and Deadman Creek. Aircraft will be requested to assist if smoke conditions allow.
The Bulldog Mountain Fire started August 5. 2021, located 20 miles north of Kettle Falls. The lightning caused fire spread quickly due to low relative humidity and unseasonably dry conditions. The fire is burning in heavy timber and slash. The fire is currently estimated at 2900 acres with 5% containment. Acreage will be reassessed as more information is obtained.
Mack Mountain Fire: The Mack Mountain Fire started August 5, 2021 and is just south west of the Bulldog Mountain Fire. The fire has grown and is estimated at approximately 200+ acres. Residents in the Deadman Creek area will see smoke from the fire. The fire area is located in steep, rugged terrain with limited access. Fire managers are surveying areas that may be used for indirect and contingency fire lines. If visibility improves, fire managers will continue to use aerial reconnaissance to evaluate acreage increases and plan for future needs.
Citizens should remain vigilant and are strongly encouraged to sign up for alerts at Ferry County Alerts. Motorists traveling on the Boulder Hwy should watch for heavy equipment and firefighters turning off and onto the roadway. There are 174 personnel assigned to the incident. There have been two minor injuries with no structures lost. Firefighter and public safety is our number one priority.
Level 1 evacuation orders and road closures are in place. For current evacuation orders please see Ferry County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. Boulder Creek Hwy and State Route 395 remain open. For information on area & road closures on the Colville National Forest please see https://www.fs.usda.gov/.../FSE_DOCUMEN ... 938379.pdf Citizens are asked to stay clear of the fire area and adhere to road and area closures.
Northeast Washington IMT 2 assumed command of the fire August 7th. Fire information and the incident command post is located at Kettle Falls High School in Kettle Falls, WA. Fire information contact is Jeff Sevigney 509 993-2946 or you can also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/newimt3/ and Inciweb at https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7785/
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Re: Bulldog Mth Fire

Post by pasayten »

#BulldogMtnFire Update 8-15-21
Bulldog Mountain Fire: Yesterday the smoke that continues to blanket the region persisted on the fire line and kept fire activity moderate. Unfortunately the smoke prevented aircraft from flying over the fire. Firefighters continued the slow and deliberate process of indirect and contingency line construction. Crews were able to do direct fire attack in some areas of the fire.
Today firefighters will be paying close attention to the weather as a low pressure system moves into the region. A red flag warning has been issued for most of eastern Washington. Crews will continue to finish up indirect containment lines around the fire. Aircraft will be requested to assist if smoke conditions allow.
The Bulldog Mountain Fire started August 5. 2021, located 20 miles north of Kettle Falls. The lightning caused fire spread quickly due to low relative humidity and unseasonably dry conditions. The fire is burning in heavy timber and slash. The fire is currently estimated at 2900 acres with 5% containment.
Mack Mountain Fire: The Mack Mountain Fire started August 5, 2021 and is just south west of the Bulldog Mountain Fire. The fire is estimated at approximately 100 acres. Residents in the Deadman Creek area may see smoke from the fire. The fire area is located in steep, rugged terrain with limited access. Fire managers have begun the process of accessing areas around the fire that may be used for future access to build fire line. If visibility improves, fire managers will continue to use aerial reconnaissance to evaluate the fire and plan for future needs.
Citizens should remain vigilant and are strongly encouraged to sign up for alerts at Ferry County Alerts. Motorists traveling on the Boulder Hwy should be vigilant and watch for heavy equipment and firefighters turning off and onto the roadway. There are 185 personnel assigned to the incident. There have been two minor injuries with no structures lost. Firefighter and public safety is our number one priority.
Level 1 evacuation orders and road closures are in place. For current evacuation orders please see Ferry County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. Boulder Creek Hwy and State Route 395 remain open. For information on area & road closures on the Colville National Forest please see https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DO ... 938379.pdf Citizens are asked to stay clear of the fire area and adhere to road and area closures.
Northeast Washington Interagency Incident Management Team 2 (NEWIMT2) assumed command of the fire August 7th at 11:00 a.m. Fire information and the incident command post is located at Kettle Falls High School in Kettle Falls, WA. Fire information contact is Jeff Sevigney 509 993-2946 or you can also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/newimt3/ and Inciweb at https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7785/
Ray Peterson
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Re: Bulldog Mth Fire

Post by pasayten »

August 15th VIIRS Valtopo map...
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Re: Bulldog Mth Fire

Post by pasayten »

Fire perimeter map August 13th
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Re: Bulldog Mth Fire

Post by pasayten »

Bulldog & Mack Mountain Fire Update 8-14-21
Bulldog Mountain Wildfire
News – 4 hrs. ago
Bulldog Mountain Fire: Yesterday firefighters were assisted on the ground by the dense smoke over the fire which helped moderate fire activity. This allowed firefighters to make good progress on establishing indirect and contingency containment lines around the entire fire area. Crews utilized heavy equipment to remove fuel from indirect and contingency lines. Falling crews worked to remove dangerous trees and snags so firefighters can work safely in and around the fire. No aircraft were able to fly due to the smoky conditions.

Today crews will continue to finish up indirect containment lines around the fire. Firefighters expect the fire to reach Forest Service Rd 6110 today. This road has been prepared as an indirect fire line and crews will be prepared to suppress the fire as it reaches the road. Helicopters will be used if smoke conditions allow.

The Bulldog Mountain Fire started August 5. 2021, located 20 miles north of Kettle Falls. The lightning caused fire spread quickly due to low relative humidity and unseasonably dry conditions. The fire is burning in heavy timber and slash. The fire is currently estimated at 2900 acres with 5% containment.

Mack Mountain Fire:The Mack Mountain Fire started August 5, 2021 and is just south west of the Bulldog Mountain Fire. The fire is still relatively small but it has grown to approximately 50 acres. Residents in the Deadman Creek area may see smoke from the fire. The fire area is located in steep, rugged terrain with limited access. Fire managers are planning for future action when appropriate and more resources become available.

Citizens should remain vigilant and are strongly encouraged to sign up for alerts at Ferry County Alerts. Motorists traveling on the Boulder Hwy should be vigilant and watch for heavy equipment and firefighters turning off and onto the roadway. There are 185 personnel assigned to the incident. There have been two minor injuries with no structures lost. Firefighter and public safety is our number one priority.

Level 1 evacuation orders and road closures are in place. For current evacuation orders please see Ferry County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. Boulder Creek Hwy and State Route 395 remain open. For information on area & road closures on the Colville National Forest please see https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DO ... 938379.pdf Citizens are asked to stay clear of the fire area and adhere to road and area closures.

Northeast Washington Interagency Incident Management Team 2 (NEWIMT2) assumed command of the fire August 7th at 11:00 a.m. Fire information and the incident command post is located at Kettle Falls High School in Kettle Falls, WA. Fire information contact is Jeff Sevigney 509 993-2946 or you can also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/newimt3/ and Inciweb at https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7785/
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Re: Bulldog Mth Fire

Post by pasayten »

Bulldog & Mack Mountain Fire Update 8-13-21
Bulldog Mountain Wildfire
News – 1 day ago
Bulldog Mountain Fire: Yesterday with help from heavy equipment and firefighters on the ground good progress was made strengthening indirect and contingency lines around the fire. Increased fire activity was observed on all divisions around the fire. Helicopters worked closely with crews on the ground to help cool the fire perimeter.

Today will be another warm day across the region with poor humidity recoveries forecasted. Temperatures will be in the low 90’s on the fire line. Firefighters will continue indirect and contingency line construction today. Direct fire suppression will occur in areas that are safe for crews to engage. Residents around the Bulldog Mtn Fire should remain vigilant and pay close attention to reliable information sources for current fire alerts. Citizens are strongly encouraged to sign up for alerts at Ferry County Alerts. Motorists traveling on the Boulder Hwy should be vigilant and watch for heavy equipment and firefighters turning off and onto the roadway. There are 170 personnel assigned to the incident. There have been no injuries or structures lost. Firefighter and public safety is our number one priority.

The Bulldog Mountain Fire started August 5. 2021, located 20 miles north of Kettle Falls. The lightening caused fire spread quickly due to low relative humidity and unseasonably dry conditions. The fire is burning in heavy timber and slash. Local crews worked hard the first several days conducting direct fire attack as well as identifying areas of the fire that indirect containment line is appropriate due to limited access. Multiple aircraft assisted firefighters on the ground. The fire is currently estimated at 2000 acres with 5% containment.

Mack Mountain Fire: The Mack Mountain Fire started August 5, 2021 and is just south west of the Bulldog Mountain Fire. The fire is still relatively small (approximately 22 acres) and has had minimal activity. Residents in the Deadman Creek area may see smoke from the fire. The fire area is located in steep, rugged terrain with limited to no access. Fire managers are planning for future action when appropriate.

Level 1 evacuation orders and road closures are in place. For current evacuation orders please see Ferry County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page. Boulder Creek Hwy and State Route 395 remain open. For information on area & road closures on the Colville National Forest please see https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DO ... 938379.pdf Citizens are asked to stay clear of the fire area and adhere to road and area closures.

Northeast Washington Interagency Incident Management Team 2 (NEWIMT2) assumed command of the fire August 7th at 11:00 a.m. Fire information and the incident command post is located at Kettle Falls High School in Kettle Falls, WA. Fire information contact is Jeff Sevigney 509 993-2946 or you can also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/newimt3/ and Inciweb at https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7785/
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Bulldog Mtn Fire

Post by pasayten »

Incident Overview
Bulldog Mtn 8-12-21

The Bulldog Mountain & Mack Mountain Fires started August 5, 2021 and are burning 20 miles north of Kettle Falls, WA on the Colville National Forest. Northeast Washington Interagency Incident Management Team 2 assumed command August 7, 2021 at 11:00 am. The lightning caused fires are burning in steep, rugged terrain with limited access. Area and road closures are in place. Boulder Creek Hwy and State Route 395 remain open. The incident command post is located in Kettle Falls, WA at Kettle Falls High School.
Ray Peterson
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