Local 'Avian Flu' fear mongering in the news

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Re: Local 'Avian Flu' fear mongering in the news

Post by woodman »

More fear mongering in Asheville, NC.. Apparently many people think Asheville is an awesome city, but leftist politics are making it less so... I agree with the radio host. If masks and all the other measures that have been taken actually worked to safeguard human health there would be glaring evidence but looking at the failures in Australia with 95% getting the jab seems to be a large enough sampling of people to show that they need to go back to the drawing board and this radio host is echoing the sentiments of a growing number of people in the US. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/natio ... bc8cf5f32f
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Re: Local 'Avian Flu' fear mongering in the news

Post by woodman »

mister_coffee wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 7:19 am These past couple of years we really got a clear view of who was paying attention in Junior High and High School Biology classes back in the day.
The one thing that I remember well about Biology was the sophomore or junior year ritual of dissecting the frog in biology class, and how grossed out some of us were. I honestly did not learn anything that I can recall. I do wonder where all those sacrificial frogs have come from over the years. Quite a few millionaires have been made by those who propagated those sad frogs that I assume were not raised in anything approaching natural conditions. I assume they were raised on a 'farm' specifically to be sacrificed for dissection by 15 or 16 year old high school biology students, as well as students taking anatomy & physiology at community colleges. I actually dissected a frog a second time when I took anatomy & physiology with a bunch of nursing school students at a community college. Somebody should try to do the math on that to figure out how many frog carcasses have been dissected over the years in our education systems in the US. Having turned into a sort of 'conspiracy theory' guy I figure that some special interests lobbied some government officials to sell the public educational system on the need to dissect frogs in great numbers, even though it was absolutely unnecessary for learning. Nowadays I understand they recently stopped dissecting real frogs, but they use models instead. It was definitely not a teenage rite of passage...I did learn that one thing from biology which is not what you would have thought. How many got wealthy off the frog dissecting marketing scam that lasted 50 years???
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Re: Local 'Avian Flu' fear mongering in the news

Post by mister_coffee »

These past couple of years we really got a clear view of who was paying attention in Junior High and High School Biology classes back in the day.
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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Re: Local 'Avian Flu' fear mongering in the news

Post by PAL »

You do know that the nano particles and the gene changing stuff is not in the vaccine. Since many people think that Covid was a manufactured virus, let loose on the population, that this theory makes sense that the bad ju ju is in the virus, when they made it, not the vaccine.
So people have been fooled to think it's ok to get the virus. Now they are going around chipped, sealed and delivered.

This veers off from the avian flu thread but Perfect, All Knowing Polly mentioned it too, so thought I would throw that scrap of info in there too.
Pearl Cherrington
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Re: Local 'Avian Flu' fear mongering in the news

Post by woodman »

Mickey M. wrote: Sat May 21, 2022 9:21 am Woodman, would you eat a chicken that was destroyed because of an avian flu concern?
Factory farms are famous for raising livestock in unhealthy conditions that are overcrowded, and for chickens, conditions that are low in oxygen, etc. These conditions have persisted probably longer than I have been alive, and they use antibiotics to try to minimize disease. so even if you believe that the Avian flu is a threat I think the threat from getting meat from livestock that had a common disease is something that we have been living with, and the flu would not be of relative concern. Rotting meat is a real concern as well. To me the science doesn't add up that this Avian flu is real. Even if a chicken carcass tests positive on a 'test', I'm still not convinced that it spreads through a 'virus', so based on my logic it wouldn't serve any purpose to kill a whole flock of chickens when there is no scientific proof that a virus is the cause of disease even if every chicken had some disease symptoms that were similar. Factory farms routinely lose chickens to disease, but they recognize it is the nature of the industry, and if they want to make $, some of the chickens are going to succumb to disease due to the unhealthy living conditions, but it is not due to a virus. You and I have eaten our share of meat from diseased animals. Remember the debate about people who tested positive for Covid-19? Many people died with a positive test for Covid-19, but their death had nothing to do with a viral cause. I believe viruses can not be the cause of disease, and I can go a step further, but I won't do that ...

A healthy person's digestive system can handle a certain amount of poison quite well. After all, what travels through is not technically inside, but is filtered as it passes through the body unlike a venomous snake bite for example...I hope this helps.

Amazing Polly...https://www.bitchute.com/video/tYdmM2Ws8beu/

Amazing Polly on Monkeypox: https://www.bitchute.com/video/fKzs5xOp9bkZ/
Last edited by woodman on Sun May 22, 2022 10:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Local 'Avian Flu' fear mongering in the news

Post by woodman »

Last edited by woodman on Sun May 22, 2022 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Local 'Avian Flu' fear mongering in the news

Post by PAL »

Brad you tell that to all the chicken farmers who have had to put their flocks down. They know it is for real.
Face it, you like your fantasy world and conspiracies. But you can believe what you want but if it is misinformation being spewed, not good.
Pearl Cherrington
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Re: Local 'Avian Flu' fear mongering in the news

Post by Rideback »

A list of youtube grifters but not one scientist
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Re: Local 'Avian Flu' fear mongering in the news

Post by woodman »

Rideback wrote: Fri May 20, 2022 1:45 pm You need professional help.
I suspect that this scare tactic will be used to boost compliance with the flu vaccine in October. Just my 2 cents worth...

Don't be Shanghai'd. Is that a verb?

https://www.healthliesexposed.com/artic ... 0711.shtml

Blame it on animals that are dirty and dangerous: birds,bats,swine,pangolins,monkeys,cows,etc..

https://brandnewtube.com/watch/quot-apo ... 6T1lT.html



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Re: Local 'Avian Flu' fear mongering in the news

Post by Rideback »

You need professional help.
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Local 'Avian Flu' fear mongering in the news

Post by woodman »

Page A3 MV news, May 18, 2022: Go read the physical paper yourself. IMO this is a pure propaganda piece, and any person who believes that a chicken of theirs may have Avian flu that somehow was contracted from wild migrating birds is asked to put the carcass on ice, and the USDA will pick it up to do 'testing'. This is only a temporary concern for the next few weeks, they say, until the wild birds complete their migration...

This is what they call Predictive Programming. They are reinforcing a bogus Covid-19 narrative by using a different animal derived 'flu' to continue the conditioning process. This is part of the NWO's attempt to attack our food supply, and personal sovereignty/self sufficiency as well. It could be seen as another experiment in behavior modification. When you obey, you are basically giving consent to the USDA to destroy your whole flock of chickens by doing what they say. They may need to destroy your chickens in the name of 'public health', but you should know it is illegal...If you suffer in winter because your flock was destroyed you can't complain because you consented for them to destroy your chickens.

The crux of the matter as I see it is that this avian flu 'virus' was not isolated and characterized, so there is no 'Avian flu virus particle' to be found in nature. If they had done the test at ground zero on whatever chicken was the first to be discovered wherever that was in Wa. state, they should be sharing the results as explicitly as possible through video, etc. to show that they extracted a tissue sample from the chicken with suspected 'avian flu virus', and ran the sample through a gradient centrifuge, and injected the isolated particle into a healthy chicken to cause the same disease, and they have not done that because there is no virus. It is the another strategy designed to centralize power and control. Hopefully it is a desperation move, and the NWO villains are losing control of the narrative...That's viroLIEgy in a nutshell. Chickens get diseases for multiple reasons. Correlation does not equal causation. By the way, microwave radiation or non-ionizing radiation is a form of pollution, and it can have a toxic effect. I've seen the dramatic video of wild birds falling from the sky by the thousands. Do you suppose that a virus is to blame for that phenomena? Maybe it was spontaneous virus contagion syndrome... I admit I am not a trained scientist with formal schooling, but 'citizen scientists' are winning the day...
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