How marketers use human behavior to sell product, and yes politicians are product

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Fun CH
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How marketers use human behavior to sell product, and yes politicians are product

Post by Fun CH »

I found the guide book online that details how marketers sell us products. Having this information may help you see how marketers manipulate human behavior in their favor to sell us products.

Politicians, or those who market that specific product, are well aware of this Playbook as try to sell us on their products value of having them in our lives, or more specifically trying to run our lives. The end goal is the same, your money flowing to them.

They know how to trigger us and they know the result. They know that keeping us in a perpetual tribal fight is to their advantage.

You can also use this guide to see how your own bias is affecting your decisions. The guide is called:

"The Psychological Triggers and Cognitive Biases Cheat Sheet"

Here is a quote:

"Belonging Bias
Definition: Humans are social creatures who love to feel part of a group or a community. As a result of this bias, customers often purchase products in an attempt to feel part of a specific group. Being around people who share our goals or care about the same stuff as we do makes us feel more secure and happy about our decisions.

Where to use it: Commonly used in opt-ins, sign-up pages, pricing pages" ... ing%20bias
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Can't talk to a man who don't want to understand--Carol King
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