"The Language of Derogation and Hate: Functions, Consequences, and Reappropriation"

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Fun CH
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"The Language of Derogation and Hate: Functions, Consequences, and Reappropriation"

Post by Fun CH »

Often people who use derogatory language online are often not aware of the consequences that normalizing that behavior creates.The article points out that derogatory language is on spectrum of hate speech.

I'd suggest reading the whole research article, below are a few quotes.

https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/1 ... 7X20967394

" Moreover, psychological research has identified likely social functions served by derogatory language that can be grouped into five main categories: prejudice perpetuation; maintenance of status hierarchies; legitimization of violence against outgroups; norm and role compliance; and ingroup cohesion. We are not claiming that people engage in language-based discrimination with these aims in mind but, rather, that these are the primary social functions and consequences of disparaging language, which may well operate outside of people’s awareness and intention.

"As defined here, derogatory language embraces numerous phenomena that have been studied under more specific labels (e.g., ethnophaulisms, ethnic or racial slurs, sexist language, homophobic epithets, verbal bullying, etc.). It also includes hate speech, an extreme form of derogatory language, which constitutes a line of research on its own and which involves the expression of hate and/or the encouragement of violence against others based on their real or assumed membership in a given category."
What's so funny 'bout peace love and understanding--Nick Lowe
Can't talk to a man who don't want to understand--Carol King
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