Denial, Revisited

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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by PAL »

Ken, you don't say anything because you don't know what to say, it seems. Can't you just say what your philosophy is on this or your beliefs, instead of hurling your usual insults?
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by dorankj »

You sure fit the title of this thread!
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by mister_coffee »

Right now we have a choice between (a) Democrats, who are well-intentioned, somewhat incompetent, and sometimes blatantly self-serving and (b) Republicans, who have completely lost touch with reality.

Right now I can't decide if the best analogy for Republicans is China under Mao during the Cultural Revolution and the Gang of Four, or Jim Jones in Guyana. In neither case would I want to live there.

It is hard for me to see a moral or intellectual difference between Red Hats who ate horse paste to "protect themselves" against COVID and people at Jonestown who held down their children while a "nurse" forced those children to drink poisoned flav-r-aid. And at some point when reality catches up to them and can't be denied, mass suicide is going to be a possible option. Hopefully they won't take us normies with them when that goes down.
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by pasayten »

I agree 100%... For both sides!!!
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by PAL »

Nope didn't say Biden was the most popular president ever. I agree Ray, get these old guys out of there. But also someone who does not condone an insurrection, who doesn't say to the terriosts that they are loved, but go home. Who doesn't try to interfere with elections and results. A good repubican or democrat, who knows how to lead, not tell people what to do in their private lives.
That's all I ask.
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by pasayten »

Jeez... Enough of these old hasbeen men... Let's get some younger blood in there!
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by dorankj »

PAL you beclown yourself, with 81m votes you all say Joe Biden is the most popular. Let’s go Brandon!
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by mister_coffee »

Is it even possible to have a functioning society that has the values we all cherish (e.g. self-government, freedom of expression, due process of law, &c) if a significant percentage of the population does not accept reality?

I doubt it is possible.
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by PAL »

Ken, maybe you read or were told he was the most popular president in history. Of course he would have you believe that. And maybe he is the most popular president in history for promoting conspiracy theories, hate, and spewing non sensical speech.
Let's let Ken be Ken. He has his beliefs. Never to back down, never to admit maybe, just maybe that Trump could be wrong about some things or maybe alot of things.
Now we can add Elon to the mix.
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by Rideback »

Ken can't see it, the willful blindness is truly Orewellian.

In the end, Ken will vote and support those who will make his life worse.
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by dorankj »

You’re babbling.
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by mister_coffee »

Again, Ken keeps proving my point whenever he starts typing.

The only way you can function in the Orwellian hellscape that is modern Republican "thought" is if you completely disengage common sense. Two plus two must equal five. The Earth cannot be round, it must be shaped like a taco. And it goes on and never ends, because there can always be an infinite number of wrong ideas.
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by dorankj »

Your projection is off the charts! I repeated something the ‘most popular President in history’ said. No bots, Russians or Koch’s. I think all your old blame groups are pretty outdated now, such desperation from you hyenas!
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by Rideback »

Again, you mimic the memes or mantras but never contribute to a conversation, making your comments an empty shell. You mimic the talking points from the Russian bots, the Koch talking heads, the Fox, NewsMax, war rooms without even taking a minute to hear yourself. They have taught you to disengage your own common sense.
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by dorankj »

Kinda like a “one horse pony” (Joe Biden) there’s a reason you pretend Obama will save you! So sad.
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by Rideback »

Ken, your comment is as empty as the Republican politicians' slate of policies. There ain't nothing there.
Obama was right when he made the comments about Rep's being a one-trick pony. 'Inflation low, cut taxes for the wealthy, inflation high, cut taxes for the wealthy, an asteroid heading towards the earth in two weeks, cut taxes for the wealthy'

Here's the difference between the two Parties, courtesy of Politics Girl ... epublicans
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by dorankj »

Ray still pretends he’s a Dr., Liar! And the rest is projection by you buffoons. Good luck next week.
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by mister_coffee »

What I find humorous about Ken's replies is that he just demonstrated my thesis. Right-wingers have to deny that two plus two is four, they have to deny that the sky is blue, they have to deny that the world is round. It is deny, deny, deny all the way down. Reality is just roadkill.

We should also remember the dogs that didn't bark in this story. Hilary Clinton supporters didn't storm the Capitol in January 2017 and smear feces on the walls. BLM supporters didn't drive vehicles into peacefully protesting "Blue Lives Matter" folks. Joe Biden and Barack Obama haven't encouraged people attending their rallies to "knock the hell out of" protesters and promise to pay their legal fees. During the earliest days of the pandemic liberals weren't calling up county public health offices making death threats over stay at home orders and contact tracing. When we finally got vaccines Biden supporters weren't threatening to shoot up vaccination events. The fact that those exact things did not happen should make it clear to anybody, or at least anybody not an apologist for right-wing terrorists, that there isn't a "both sides do it" issue here.
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by pasayten »

Ken has had covid a few times... His mind may be cloudy...
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by Rideback »

Steve Scalise was attacked in '17. The next day both Paul Ryan & Nancy Pelosi came out together for a joint press conference and called the act despicable. The difference we're seeing now is that the Rep leadership and candidates are not making the same effort and instead are mocking the Pelosi's as being deserving.

There can be no hiding behind jokes or whataboutisms. I notice that you, Ken, are following the Rep line and not condemning the act of violence. None of us have to wait for permission to condemn violence, it's acceptable to condemn all on your own and then go back to supporting your choices.

Where's your link to Rand Paul's attacks.

Brett Kavanaugh's incident came about when the guy who wanted to attack him called 911 and reported himself. Dems immediately stepped up and condemned his actions.
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by dorankj »

Funny, you guys never say a peep about Steve Scalise, or Rand Paul’s attacks and you minimize and dismiss Brett Kavanagh’s attempted killing. Methinks doth protest too much, hypocrites!
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by Rideback »

By Glenn Thrush, Kellen Browning and Luke Vander Ploeg~The New York Times
Oct. 31, 2022
Updated 6:43 p.m. ET
Federal prosecutors charged the man accused of breaking into the San Francisco home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with attempting to kidnap Ms. Pelosi and with assaulting a relative of a federal official, according to charging documents filed on Monday.
The suspect, David DePape, 42, was apprehended by the police at the Pelosi home in the early morning hours on Friday. The police said he forcibly entered through the back door of the house, encountered Ms. Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, 82, and, following a struggle over a hammer, struck him with it.
Mr. DePape was looking for Ms. Pelosi, who was in Washington at the time, to interrogate the speaker on an unspecified political matter, according to the federal complaint. If she told the “truth,” he would let her go; if she “lied,” he intended to break her kneecaps because he saw her as “the ‘leader of the pack’ of lies told by the Democratic Party” and wanted her to be wheeled into Congress as a lesson to other Democrats, Mr. DePape told police officers in an interview.
He had “a roll of tape, white rope, a second hammer, a pair of rubber and cloth gloves, and zip ties” according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of California, which filed the charges.
The swift action by the Justice Department in bringing federal charges — on the same day the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office filed its own charges against Mr. DePape — reflects the department’s urgency in addressing what it sees as a politically motivated crime shortly before the 2022 midterm elections. There has been a surge in threats and attacks against figures of both political parties in recent years, and Ms. Pelosi, in particular, has long been the subject of vilification and threats.
Later on Monday, Brooke Jenkins, the San Francisco district attorney, announced additional state charges. Mr. DePape was charged with six felonies: attempted murder, residential burglary, elder abuse, assault with a deadly weapon, false imprisonment of an elder and threatening family members of public officials. Mr. DePape was expected to be arraigned in superior court on Tuesday.
Mr. Pelosi, who alerted the police, underwent surgery on Friday after sustaining a fractured skull and serious injuries to his hands and right arm, according to a spokesman for Ms. Pelosi. Mr. Pelosi remains in the intensive care unit of a San Francisco hospital, surrounded by his family, according to a person familiar with the situation.
Law enforcement officials said that Mr. DePape sustained “minor injuries” and was treated at a hospital.
The affidavit from an F.B.I. agent that accompanied the charges provided the most complete, and chilling, narrative of the break-in to date. It detailed a groggy early-morning home invasion that culminated with a single, sudden hammer blow, delivered in the presence of shocked police officers.
Mr. DePape broke a glass door and entered the residence, awakening Mr. Pelosi, who confronted him and then ducked into a bathroom to call 911 at 2:23 a.m. Officers with the San Francisco Police Department arrived eight minutes later to find the two men struggling over a hammer.
When they asked what was going on, Mr. DePape “responded that everything was good,” the agent wrote. At that moment, Mr. DePape yanked the hammer from Mr. Pelosi’s grip and struck him once in the head, rendering him unconscious on the floor.
The officers quickly restrained Mr. DePape, who told them he had left his backpack near the smashed door window on the rear porch. When they examined its contents, they found another hammer, tape, rope, two pairs of gloves — rubber and cloth — and a journal.
The police recovered the zip ties in the bedroom. Mr. DePape later told officers he had intended to tie up Mr. Pelosi until the speaker arrived home.
Kidnapping and assault are usually charged under state laws by local authorities, but in extreme circumstances, such as cases involving federal officials or judges, they can become federal crimes.
If convicted, Mr. DePape would face a maximum of 20 years in prison for the attempted kidnapping of a federal official in the performance of official duties, and up to 30 years for assaulting an immediate member of a federal official’s family and inflicting a serious injury with a dangerous weapon.
Ms. Pelosi’s spokesman had no comment on the charges.
It was not immediately clear who was representing Mr. DePape in the case.
Federal law makes such an assault a federal crime when it is done “with the intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with” the work of an official or “with intent to retaliate against” that person — a charge that stems from Mr. DePape’s attempts to find the speaker.
The attack on the Pelosi home in San Francisco contained echoes of the Jan. 6, 2021, mob attack on the Capitol. When rioters broke into the halls of Congress on that day, some of them carried zip ties and shouted, “Nancy, Nancy, where are you, Nancy?” When he was apprehended on Friday, Mr. DePape also was carrying zip ties; a person who had been briefed on the attack said Mr. DePape had been loudly demanding to know where Ms. Pelosi was.
Law enforcement officials have not specified the exact motivation for the attack, and much remains unknown about Mr. DePape. But the authorities have been examining what appeared to be Mr. DePape’s copious online presence, which included angry rants and extremist views.
The domain of a blog written by a user who called himself “daviddepape” was registered to an address in Richmond, Calif., in August, and a resident close to that location said that Mr. DePape lived at that address. From August until the day before the attack on Mr. Pelosi, the blog featured many antisemitic sentiments as well as concerns about pedophilia, anti-white racism and “elite” control of the internet.
One of the blog posts suggested that there had been no mass gassing of prisoners at Auschwitz, and others were accompanied by malicious and stereotypical images. Another reposted a video lecture defending Adolf Hitler.
Luke Broadwater and Adam Goldman contributed reporting.
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by mister_coffee »

Any decent person should be disgusted and horrified by the attack on Paul Pelosi.
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by Rideback »

Been having several good conversations over on another site where the conversations have been expanding on the role of denialism, communities of denialism, borrowing from religion's teachings by example as well as the role of fear mongering to incentivize violence. The ripple effect of conspiracies as teachers is an interesting one and apparently addictive as was just borne out by Musk's attraction to a fresh Paul Pelosi conspiracy over the weekend. Though he removed the post almost immediately it was grabbed onto and retweeted some 88,000 times.

In a rush to find a rationalization where there was none, we again end up with violence. ... 7243192837
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Re: Denial, Revisited

Post by mister_coffee »

More comforting words from George Orwell (1943):
Nazi theory, indeed, specifically denies that such a thing as "the truth" exists. There is, for instance, no such thing as "Science". There is only "German Science", "Jewish Science", etc. The implied objective of this line of thought is a nightmare world in which the Leader, or some ruling clique, controls not only the future, but the past. If the Leader says of such and such an event, "It never happened"—well, it never happened. If he says that "two and two are five"—well, two and two are five. This prospect frightens me much more than bombs—and, after our experiences of the last few years [the Blitz, 1940–41] that is not a frivolous statement.
I will say if you don't find the parallels with our reality today profoundly unsettling you are not paying attention.
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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