Wildfire - Evac 2 notice

Information about wildfires, prescribed burns, and other fire related info for the 2022 season.
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Re: Wildfire - Evac 2 notice

Post by mister_coffee »

Another pro tip:

Have the phone number of your insurance agents, your policy number, and the 1-800 number for your homeowners insurance in your contacts on your cell phone.

If you have to evacuate, call them and let them know right away. And tell them to send the insurance crews to your place if you signed up for that service (and you ought to do so).
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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Re: Wildfire - Evac 2 notice

Post by PAL »

Thanks for the clarification. Hopefully the people that need to know them will abide by them. I have my doubts as I did smell smoke in Elbow.
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Re: Wildfire - Evac 2 notice

Post by pasayten »

Burn Ban Information
This Okanogan County Emergency Management webpage will be the official host page for all the burn ban/restriction information for all unincorporated parts of Okanogan County.

The Okanogan County Burn Restriction has been extended through October 28, 2022 at 12:01 AM

The Okanogan County Fire Advisory Committee recommended the Burn Restriction be extended from October 15th to October 28th due to the dry conditions with no rain (moisture) forecasted over the next two weeks. The Fire Advisory Committee will meet weekly to review conditions.

NO field/pile/rubbish/rule/slash/yard vegetation or non-emergent agricultural burning on unincorporated private lands within Okanogan County.
Recreational Fires are ALLOWED.

Recreational fires MUST be contained in concrete, rock, or steel ring (made from non-combustible material), no larger than 3 feet in diameter and no less than 8 inches in height. The fire(flames) shall be no higher than 2 feet, and not be conducted within 25 feet of a structure or combustible material. Recreational fires SHALL be attended to at all times.

Campfire Restrictions on National Forest
Date(s): Oct 14, 2022

Fire restrictions on the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest have been reduced from Stage 2 to Stage 1, effective immediately. This change allows forest users to resume having fires in the developed campgrounds that are still open, as well as to engage in recreational shooting on forest lands. Campfires at dispersed sites are still prohibited under Stage 1 fire restrictions.
Ray Peterson
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Re: Wildfire - Evac 2 notice

Post by PAL »

Like you say Jingles, level 1 all summer and right now too. It doesn't have to be called a level but for me it is a reminder to be vigilant. We've been practising this ever since 2014. Wake up call then.
The burn ban regs are a bit confusing to our visitors. The Forest Service says in designated campgrounds only. No fires in non-designated campgrounds.
The whole Okanogan county has a different set of parameters. Recreational fires permitted and what the requirements are.
Right now there are hunters camped amongst great swaths of dried out barnaby in Elbow Coulee. If someone does have a campfire in there(and I don't think they are supposed to) and a spark gets loose, oh boy. But then there are some private property inholdings mixed in with the public lands there too. So those folks can have a recreational campfire from what I am trying to interpret.
Best to be careful until we get this possible rain/snow this week-end.
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Re: Wildfire - Evac 2 notice

Post by mister_coffee »

You can do a little better than that. I learned the following through some hard experience:

1. Park your rig outside. Back it in so you can drive forward when you have to bolt.
2. Take photos of critical documents like your ID, passport, credit cards, and bank and insurance information. Stash 'em on USB sticks and have trusted friends who live a safe distance away hold them for you.
3. Similarly, backup your hard drives and stash those backups a safe distance away.
4. Pack a go bag and leave it by your front door so you can easily grab it on the way out.

Set up all of the above starting sometime in June.

And the "evacuation level" thing is horrible. If you have small children, animals, or have anything else going on that is going to make evacuation a pain, consider getting out before "Evacuation Level 3" is called. Depending on your situation it might be well before.

Have a plan and a clue about where you ought to go before you bolt. Tell friends and neighbors what the plan is.

Do not depend on the warning system in place. Warnings may or may not be timely and might arrive hours after a prudent person would have left.

Double-check the contents of the stuff you are taking with you. And also double-check it when you get back home. During the evacuation last year I forgot spare socks in the go bag. And when I got back there were a couple of hard drives missing that didn't turn up until about a month ago.
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Re: Wildfire - Evac 2 notice

Post by Jingles »

Maybe it is just me but seems to me that anyone that has resided in the Methow for more than 2 weeks should know that due to dry conditions in the summer, most years, the wildfire danger is normally high and even though the quick response by some helps, the probability of the fire getting out of control rapidly is almost a given.
Seems to me that the folks in the area should almost automatically move to a Level 1 evac status, (prepare to evacuate) which is saying get your schit together and identify things you will need to take if you have to evacuate, around the 1st of June when things start to dry out. This seems like common sense to me, yes I know Common Sense went away and is basically a thing of the past. Then when they issue level 2 notice a person gathers those things to a convenient easily accessible location so they aren't running around like a chicken with it's head cut off in a tizzy wondering what do I take, where is my purse, bank book, check book, vehicle keys, irreplaceable photos, important legal papers, what clothes do I need .also what do I pack all this stuff in so I can get it in my prius.. Then if a level 3 is issued and you decide to leave, no you do not have to leave if you don't want to, however you are taking full responsibility for your own safety if you don't. All you have to do is load your stuff in your vehicle, lock your doors and windows say a little prayer your place will be spared, if so inclined, and drive away.
But again this all seems like common sense to me at least for a thinking adult
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Re: Wildfire - Evac 2 notice

Post by Rideback »


09/27/2022 15:17 NES-523
PN P2V9 (1522)
AKJ-221 LEECHER Wildfire 30 Okanogan Co., Leecher Canyon 32N R22E Sec 22 48 15.612, -120 4.338 . Delph Effective BATT-41 BATT-42 E-644 E-7203 E-7205 E-7207 E-7209 E-7210 E-7211 SO-25 SO-28
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Wildfire - Evac 2 notice

Post by Rideback »

A Level 2 (Be Ready) has been issued Vintin Road and the Leecher Canyon area.

For a Wildland Fire burning near 122 Vintin Road, Carlton

Persons should be aware of their surroundings and take action if needed.

You MUST be prepared to leave at a moments notice.

This may be the only notice you receive.

DO NOT wait for door to door notification, take action if needed.

Level 2 (BE READY) is being issued for Vintin Road and the Leecher Canyon area.
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