Pool Weigh In

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Re: Pool Weigh In

Post by mister_coffee »

Leaking in 20 years?

Coleman Pool in Seattle has been operating in summers since the 1940's.
:arrow: David Bonn :idea:
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Pool Weigh In

Post by PAL »

What do you all think about the new pool being considered in Twisp? The Wagner Pool was a gift and a fund was set up for operational costs.
Another gift is needed, not an increase in property taxes to pay for it as an option listed. Costs now are quite high to build one and operational costs are too. Are there enough people to support it? I would gladly let them pay my share of the property taxes.
It is a luxery item, IMO. Yes, it is great exercise, but for how many?
I suggest swimming in lakes, ponds, or the river. I grew up swimming in lakes in a roped off area. One lifeguard, not always on duty. Swimming in a lake with waves lapping can be a really good work-out. Of course that can't be done very easily in the winter, or maybe it can with a dry suit.
Just suggesting alternatives. Housing? Pool? Housing? Pool?
Pearl Cherrington
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