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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

Mining Claim
Mining Claim



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

Fred Matthews
Fred Matthews



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »


set me free to be me
I was here
sometimes gone
leaving a poem
waves singing a song
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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

the balsam roots
Balsamorhiza Sagittata
south facing hillside
spring sun melts the snow and ice
the rain mixes in the mud
and the seed dormant all winter sprouts
shooting into the wet mud the root holds ground
the leaf gathers sunlight
and the balsam does grow
and one day a bud
and then a glimpse of flower
then it reaches full sun flower
tracking the sun from its southern mountain slope
leaves gently blowing in the wind
then the flower dwindles
and the fortunate flower bears seed
and feeds the birds
and along the hillside
another balsam root will grow
offspring of who it is
and who whoever shall be
to continue a cycle
under the sun
the summer passes
and the flower and leaves die like the flesh of the human animal
and the root continues dormant like the spirit of man
waiting for the christ awakening
the sleeping
amongst the living
the feeble
with the strong
living together
loving together
taking every moment
and making it so perfect
that the life lives
and the wife gives
and the girl grows
and shows her greatness
the wonder of woman
with the hopes of a helpful man
that is the plan
a man and a woman
a woman and her man
from flower to seed
from birds to the bees
The beauty of my daughter
is the angel in me



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by pasayten »

I wrote this for my 15 y/o granddaughter...
It's about her entering adulthood... :-)

They have met in the darkness...

She and her…

Arriving at the doors of the many…

Time slowly creeping on by…

With unquestionable allegiance...

Seeking the path of the right way…

Dimly lit by her small smothered flame...

Fed by those that love her most...

Covered by the shroud of lives unmet…

Who has the strength to tear the shroud?

Such a small flame searching for a breeze…

I see her blindly feeling in the darkness...

The sharp walls of the narrow tunnel…

Looking for a breeze to grow the glow…

Will her binding chains be satisfied?

Wondering if her small flame will slowly die…

Why is her dark so dense?

She also searches for the way…

Will she find the breeze?

Grow the flame and light the way…

Will she overcome her?

Bravely pass her's leaden feet in the dark…

Will she be followed by her so both can survive?

Time slowly creeping on by…
Ray Peterson
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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

PAL wrote: Thu Nov 25, 2021 9:23 pm Oh wow. So nice, your words.
I feel honored and privileged that I get to live up Twisp River. My husband and I roam around on the hills this time of year and also hike on some of the old roads. We are constantly discovering new places to explore and he has been here since mid-70's.
I'll see a far road, that can't be driven to and want to go there.
I love the West Fork Buttermilk; I love it all actually. It's magical, mystical. Ssssh, let's not tell anyone.
The smoke was bad and choking. Twisp River is still beautiful despite the fires, despite what had to be done to keep it.
The mud, the muck, the torn land; it will heal, no matter what is done to it, it seems.
The Lady and I drove up Twisp River armed with a christmas tree permit purchased at www.Hanks.Market for $5. We scoped trees and finally settled on a Charlie Brown Christmas Special growing in the ditch where some machine apparently missed mowing it to sawdust this year. It was snowing and it was icy. Most the intruders seem to be headed up Little Bridge Creek these past couple of drives. Not sure the excitement there but maybe easy snow. the lady busted ground with my rock bar i break quartz with up at the mining claim on an ambitious day. mostly i just chip cute little crystals and dust. not sure the use. maybe gravel for concrete. thats the value so far. lots of pretty rocks. frank austin said he did pretty good back packing slag rock from the crescent mine piles outside the tunnel and crushing them to dust to extract gold. i have been meaning to get up there after the fire but areas seem dangerous and closed. full of ash it is but the brush is gone. the old mining road looks more open than it has for years. john klinkert plowed the road with a micro bulldozer he made himself. quite a legend but john was gone before i made it to the twisp river. his wife susie klinkert stayed summers in the gilbert hilton at roads end at the millsite. she had permits to drive machines up to the mines at north lake through the wilderness. how i wanted the nightmare of owning her claims. she said she would sell them to me for $100k only didn't want to because the government was looking to shut them down and I would be out my money when i screwed up a paperwork or some stupid thing. so she sold them for about $25k to someone else who screwed up the paperwork and the mines are lost into the wilderness. then the good old government burned down the gilbert hilton and a person can hardly tell anything was there at all. gilbert is gone just a mountain with tunnels and some tin can rubbish piles where the cabins once stood. the fires cleaned mostly all signs of the original mining town... so the lady used the rock bar to get the tree out of the frozen dirt. its in the house right now. its nice decorated in lights. not sure if its done. waiting to see cartoon magic on it. hoping for the no bugs in the live tree. always used fake trees before. whats happening. no fake tree this year. have we gone mad? I am glad. its my favorite tree since i was little.



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

whats your malfunction
fussing and fighting
hating and maiming
not much evil left to do
chaotic disarray
the say
the way
hay day
is payday
the machine is the dream
human being
animal possession
like demons to swine
spirit is to human
spirit in the human animal
are they separate?
or body mind and spirit
the trinity
three dimensional space
beyond the linear plane
the big bang
from point to plane
stretching time
like a rubber band
but not broken
nuclear bomb
singing a song
time fragments
shredding the band of rubber
like a tire on the raceway
smeared into space



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

set me free
i am caught
born captive
never freed
wild zoo display
watchful eye
eyes of lord
where can I go
what can id do
outa the mind
and all out thy way
what is the say
say hey
war zone today
your way
my way high way
fussing and fighting
living and loving
where to know
who to please
left they heart
in they way they mean
love me tender
true fullfilled
love you darling
let it be me and thee
free with me



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

in minds eye
is I of lord
creator looks within
and sees without
and within
all knowing
so glowing
mind blowing
jimi hendrix experience
flash sale
buy it now
forget thy name
thy way
thy god
thy master
thy christ
thy love
feast of madness
feast of delignt
kill the vegetarian
witch filled delight
generals in their classes
don't forget the masses
loose like a goose
snoozing and loosing
seek and destroy
let it be real
the sneel
the reel
whats to be known
if it is to be forgotten
known nation
under division
without civil liberty for all
yet not to disclaim
the insane
the rain
the jail
the snail
once dead
saw the goat die
then it was said
with the smile on my face
if now is the time
to find the human race
tender the touch
fine young lady
smooth to me
sweet the way
masterful the might
of the lady love
under my skin



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

winter chills me to the bones
this cold autumn evening
I am Tristan Tritanium man with the three titanium plates supporting my neck.
I am alive and kicking because of the wonders of modern medicine
years ago no one knew how to safely fix me
today I breath and walk and do pretty good
i am thankful for the surgery
that keeps me alive today
healthy and strong
singing a song
I wanna be all that i can be
content and free
not so much wanting to be other than a me
turn up the volume
pleasant the flow
the go
in the know
place the race
human face
the baptist
john of type
in todays story
so to say it is me
spirit of the tattle tale
who narked of jesus christ
and it is he who will not be saved
saved by murder
of my cousin and master
brother with brother
friends of each other
so it is he that is christ
and me that is not
i am the peon
and he is the float
rootbeer float
billy goat
nothing to love
just leave it alone
christ yonder fantasy
jesus below
for it is he that is he
and me to be free
in land of the yee
i write for freedom
i write for the brave
i dream of the goodness
i live the says
he says
she says
who says
traveling along the way
the ray
ray of light
set me free
stay with me
both in moon shadow dream
help me ive fallen
far from here
to places left forgoten
and dreams unknown
help me ive fallen
out of hate
waiting for forgiveness
of all the wait
the great
the haze
the maze
in his ways
god almighty
creator of it all
when all was nothing
and all is now
christ alive
let it be
the story so long
devil taken over
fantasy of goodness left behind
all around me is good
people loving each other as asked to do
helping and securing
taking and making
the airwave hate
not so great
idle worship the evil lesson
destiny desttute
forgiveness of the happening
living together
loving together
people wanting to be free
not to poison the earth
not to live fowl amongst each other
glory and right
god make it good
for those i love so
i would gladly perish for
it it would bring a promise of brighter tomorrow
let it ring
let it sing
it is mi
it is I
give my children a great world
greater than what i have been
and what I am to be
and what I was
and shall ever be
lets me free
slave to them
is like infamy
keep us fighting
it is not about the skin
it is not about the hair
it is not about the animal thy demon possesses
for we are in the land of demons
and here is where we are
demons breeding angels
making lovely angel monsters
to love and adore
cherish for all life
all glory
all god
ALL Love
lets be right together
in the glory of our god
in the saints of all rightessness
glory be his name



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by PAL »

Oh wow. So nice, your words.
I feel honored and privileged that I get to live up Twisp River. My husband and I roam around on the hills this time of year and also hike on some of the old roads. We are constantly discovering new places to explore and he has been here since mid-70's.
I'll see a far road, that can't be driven to and want to go there.
I love the West Fork Buttermilk; I love it all actually. It's magical, mystical. Ssssh, let's not tell anyone.
The smoke was bad and choking. Twisp River is still beautiful despite the fires, despite what had to be done to keep it.
The mud, the muck, the torn land; it will heal, no matter what is done to it, it seems.
Pearl Cherrington
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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

The day went well. Drove up Twisp River into a snowstorm around buttermilk. turned around and rode the centerline down the cliff side road as there was not traffic to be seen. the tercel performs like a mountain goat with les schwab tires. wondering what it would be like with the studded tires I came upon mounted for my machine. the flakes were large like puffballs only not so moisture saturated. i love twisp river road. i cruise it often... somedays a whole road to myself. other days the intruders turn up newby creek or someother spot before buttermilk. buttermilk is the sacred ground of the sacred river. here the spirits protect the land. this time of year is harder where the road is closed at buttermilk and privately plowed. i feel a little claustrophobic when i cant drive my rigs to the mining claim of up between war creek and mystery camp on the south side of the river where the large quartz vein is cut in the road. I posted a 20 acre claim there encompassing both sides of the road. the cliff is quartz and the minerals are yet to be determined. searching for gold I am finding perhaps copper. i don't really know what i am doing and promised frank austin i wouldn't get gold fever if i did find something. i would drive the twisp river daily if i had nothing else to do. somedays i chose not to because of dangers of weather. the twisp river is my home and i love it. here the beaver live and the salmon face recovery. summer fires have put a love of this place on simmer at times. the choking smoke has been unpleasant and sometimes i think where is a better place to live. only here are the people i love the most and the ways i know the most. here is my home and here i do live and love with the pleasantness and the sorrow. there are quartz in there mountains. gold yes and silver yes only i don't know what it looks like and how to extract gold primitively from hard rock. fire... somethings burning.. kenny rogers.. and i think its love. lets not hate the good. living loving whats the moment?



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

PAL wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 7:15 am Really like your latest poem. "traveling a velocity that streams". Beautiful, to me anyway.
A Pearl
glistening on a moon filled night
frozen ice crystals falling softly
protected the oyster from harm
Now a gem
to be loved and admired
glistening as the snow
hardened with time
polished layers
hardened sand center
like a rock
protected in armor
the music of the sea with the whisper of the wind howling through the glacial mountain tops of rock and ice
caring for a community of giving
comforts of loving
and effortless breath
soft as light
the moon
the full moon
the gem of the sky
hiding in the trees
to light the way
from the darkness
to see
what is
and known
caring about the way
the truth and the shadow
moon shadow
the pearl



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by PAL »

Really like your latest poem. "traveling a velocity that streams". Beautiful, to me anyway.
Pearl Cherrington
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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

fictious faints of wisdom in this fantasy long forgotten
where for are thou romans
in the mighty empire of anarchy of kings
hopeful remains for us not forgotten
the empire the empire where is thy empire
all round mi spock
kirk can't set the way
beam me up scotty
lost in space
traveling a velocity that streams



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

the restlessness
the hopes
the concessions
the depressions
all in order to grow wiser
to pass on to new generations
seems a code
ranting on and banter
lifting of hope
catching some laughter
sometimes I want to live
other times I wonder if it is better to be dead
there are many alive
and so many died before me
with wanting
with advance
wonderful measure
all in a pounce
ounce for ounce
nowhere is go
sounding off in boot camp
drop seaman recruit
give me twenty
to some it was so funny
clarity came back glazed
not such a smile
mile for mile
not sure the why
the cry
mt sigh
reason for the punished
life and death
military might
makes the fight
washings machines
bearing a flag
at grad
I was had
floating in myself
the sense
the wonder
the blunder
yonder over there
the she stare
don't brake
the hate
the great
lost pace
the battle of mighty
the flight of the sighty
mighty mo power rangers activate...



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

pasayten wrote: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:58 am
tristanbgilb wrote: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:38 am what is the secret of life.? what is knowing? or is all not knowing or ALL is ALL Knowing and i knows not. I is i as body and spirit.
The secret of life (and living) is to die to the world and be reborn with Jesus at your back, alomg side, and in front... :-)
I am Rastaman holding Jesus as highest prophet alive or dead under God. An armor of the Holy Spirit exists in my soul. In my hindu, jesus is the highest prophet reincarnated and living in my friend paul evans. he is special but not what god seems in my fantasy of living. its all plain and simple. he is above me and nothing i can do but be humbled by the discipline of my friend paul evans the prophet of no consequence as yet other than being my true loyal friend. if he is to be christ so be it. it is unknown to me. 4 eye AM not he. he is not mi 4 he is III.



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by pasayten »

tristanbgilb wrote: Thu Nov 11, 2021 5:38 am what is the secret of life.? what is knowing? or is all not knowing or ALL is ALL Knowing and i knows not. I is i as body and spirit.
The secret of life (and living) is to die to the world and be reborn with Jesus at your back, alomg side, and in front... :-)
Ray Peterson
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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

there is much to life in not knowing. not knowing how to live is problematic. staying alive is the first step.. but then to live is another. staying alive and living are different slightly. living is a step above survival. most eat so much they are in survival mode. i have to eat enough today to get me through the next 10 years in case of famine. the famine is unfortunate. so much to eat but so little nutrition. pop a vitamin and eat calories. sub food. starvation nation is this earth station. we need food. hungry to clean the arteries. scrub a dub dub. lacking. too much bad not enough goodness is a bad recipe. eat nothing but foul stench madness and live in filth. live filth. life is animal.. god i don't know. seems familiar. today in doubt. reroute.. splitter of the atom. destruction of the adam. the eve of the northern lights the nights. light permeates the darkness and from night comes day. the morning is upon the cold autumn morn. mourn the loss and continue. the heart hearts and comes feelings and tears losses and fears. somethings are too much and people go on. growing and not knowing seeing and throwing the cards into the wind. i have been here and will go on one way or another. sometimes too big others too little. what is the secret of life.? what is knowing? or is all not knowing or ALL is ALL Knowing and i knows not. I is i as body and spirit.



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

the snow
with winter brings the chill of my bones
gloomy desperation for a warm heart
confines to my surroundings
belongings and wishes
things to dream
ice cream
from the snow
heart melting
madness to remain
leaving is not allowed
the english way
the day is gone
the dream is over
nothing much left to say
he is here
soon to be gone
all one name
to chose a song
to belong
not always wrong
so fighting for righting
to party on
sing a song
don't go wrong
with all pong
ping pong
hanging thread taking
make my day
some other way
the sensation
blatant disregard for decency
path of discriminate
fetus remains human to the mind of the living
dead man tells no tells
yells and yells
does it squirm
yearn to be alive
nose dive
hide and seek
tricking and treating
mixed Meating
my friend the end
the beginning
to end



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Re: www.MethowValley.org

Post by tristanbgilb »

F=ma m=e/cc f=(e/cc)a (kgmeter)/s^2 KE = ½ mv² e=mc^2

i am trying to picture the workings of an atom in my head. the nucleus has a positive charge and the electron atmosphere is negatively charged. the nucleus is protons and neutrons. the electron cloud makes the nucleus vibrate like waves of the ocean. the positive moves towards the negative and they dance.



KFAC-LP 105.5 FM Twisp WA
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