Rep/GOP talking points evaporating

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Re: Rep/GOP talking points evaporating

Post by Rideback »

Anytime that the Rep majority in the House wants to introduce Bills that make even the slightest bit of sense addressing the southern border that would be welcome. Trump's fiasco at a border wall failed miserably. I know you're trying to distract from how well the economy is doing but your point is also another talking point that is evaporating.

The Biden admin has removed 3.5x the number at the border than Trump did, per the Cato Instit. ... rump-biden

This is rich, if you're worried about Sen Ron Johnson's proclamation that Iranian sleeper cells are coming in through the southern border you might factor in his penchant for conspiracies and his role in the J6 insurrection. ... e_vignette
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Re: Rep/GOP talking points evaporating

Post by Jingles »

And thanks to this President the invasion across the southern border continues to increase to record numbers month after month, build the wall and electrify it with HIGH voltage. Actually 2 walls furthest south with warning signs, second wall electrified like power transmission line
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Re: Rep/GOP talking points evaporating

Post by Rideback »

Ken, be happy to read any reports otherwise. But when I fact checked the statements they all rang true. What? You think Idon't fact check talking points?

And there's this, a piece from the guy who runs the company that the Trump campaign contracted with to find examples of voter fraud that would hold up in court. ... 22en%22%7D
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Re: Rep/GOP talking points evaporating

Post by SharonLaVonne »

Okay Clueless Ken. God thinks it's hilarious that you would confuse Donald Trump with a worthwhile and loving human.
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Re: Rep/GOP talking points evaporating

Post by dorankj »

Ok Baghdad Bob.
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Rep/GOP talking points evaporating

Post by Rideback » ... ess?utm_so

'GOP Talking Points Evaporating - Been a rough few months for GOP talking points. Consider (much of the backup for this section can be found here):

The economy sucks - stock market at all time highs, strongest recovery in G7, consumer sentiment rising, economy booming, real wage growth highest in decades. The President promised he would get us to the other side of COVID, successfully, and he has

Inflation is killing us - inflation is now back to pre-pandemic levels in several measures, overall prices *fell* last month, gas/rents/mortgage rates are falling across the US, groceries only increased 1.7% over the last 12 months less than a typical 12 month period. Read this to better understand why I don’t think the data supports “the people are down now due to ‘lived experience’ argument” and there is more optimism about the economy than is understood right now

Biden has waged a war on American energy which created high gas prices - high gas prices came from Putin and OPEC, and in 2023 domestic oil and renewable production broke records. America has never been more energy independent. This may be the stupidest of all current GOP memes

Crime is out of control - crime and murder rates across the US keep plummeting, violent crime rates are half of what they were 30 years ago, and murder rates continue to be much higher in red states

Democrats keep printing money, driving inflation - the annual deficit is trillions less than when Biden came to office

Biden’s poll numbers are terrible - a majority of independent polls taken after Thanskgiving have Biden tied with Trump or ahead; the Congressional Generic has moved over 3 points in our direction since October; battleground House polling show Democrats ahead of the Republicans; consumer sentiment is rising; large sample polls of Hispanics and young voters show Biden replicating his 2020 results. Are we where we want to be? No. But is Trump ahead? Absolutely not'
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