History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by dorankj »

But you may kill an innocent driver if you’re drunk and on the road. I really don’t know of anyone locked up for TB medication, I know I may have to treat a TB patient and must take reasonable precautions and respect that’s a hazard of my job.

From the beginning this has been nothing like it was presented and therefore never justified the extreme response. What exactly has changed to allow for our ‘re-opening’? That’s right, it’s a election year and dems are in big trouble!

We are not a “democratic society”, we are a constitutional republic were the rights of the minority are respected and represented. Tyranny of the majority (or power) were why we were founded.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by mister_coffee »

dorankj wrote: Fri Mar 11, 2022 7:58 pm Smoking and drunk driving very much affect others (not to mention the collective cost)
But if I am driving drunk I won't make everyone else I drive past drive drunk too. You miss the point of what a communicable disease is.

If you don't think that we shouldn't take extreme measures in the face of communicable diseases, then why do we force people with tuberculosis to take their medication, and sometimes lock them up until they have taken the complete course of medication, which can sometimes take many months?

In 37 states, there are laws on the books that make it a crime if you expose someone to HIV. In some cases you can get locked up for life.

So we, as a democratic society, have collectively decided that it is okay to seriously infringe upon freedoms to protect the community against serious communicable diseases. We've been doing so for many, many years.

It seems to me that the people all clutching their pearls and swooning over mandates either never thought all those rules might apply to them or they are just profoundly ignorant. Or both.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by dorankj »

Smoking and drunk driving very much affect others (not to mention the collective cost)

Why you two can’t read your own definition and words and see the hypocrisy is truly beyond me, saying something is ‘far right’ (and you believe yourself against far right) doesn’t make it so. Neither does saying I’m wrong because you disagree.

Also, you know nothing of me and my job, so I’d recommend you avoid something unless you ask directly, you show your “pist”. “Educate” yourself hypocrite!
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by mister_coffee »

Ken, none of the situations you described involve an easily communicable disease.

I think reasonable people could argue that the rules are necessarily different when you are discussing a communicable disease.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by dorankj »

What’s “so f…ing twisted” is your ignorance! Should I be required to treat smokers for breathing issues? Obese people for diabetes? Drunk drivers? You fascists disgust me, you want full control of everyone else but will never admit how wrong you’ve been. And then demean, belittle hate those who have a different opinion, you’ll be rounding us up for ‘re-education’ camps in a jiffy!
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by woodman »

PAL wrote: Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:09 pm Back to tobacco. I only know that people who smoke cigarettes should not touch tomato plants. I don't know the details of the science(I did at one time and am too lazy to look it up again) but it damages them. I know. I transplanted some into containers that dissolve in the soil, when plants are transplanted into them. She was a heavy smoker and evey single one of my plants died. After that I read that smokers and nicotine should stay away from the plants.
If I find the time, I can research a little further. May not have been a virus but the nicotine itself.
From my point of view I suspect that it is the aggregate effect of all the harmful chemicals that are inhaled from cigarette smoke, but nicotine may be the main culprit. It makes sense from my personal experience that smoking any cigarette affects the energy of the human, but us grown humans are more resilient than a fledgling plant, or for that matter adults are more resilient than young children, so common sense dictates that you especially don't want young children, and especially infants to be breathing in second hand smoke, and for that matter, a chronic smoker who has nicotine coursing through their body would not be the preferred caregiver to change a baby's diaper... Extending that same logic to plants, a young developing plant is not very resilient, so it makes sense to me someone whose body is under the influence of tobacco in their system would have a negative effect on young plants, or any annual crop. Think about what the effect of nicotine has on the human energy field (if you will), and it is easy to see how the interaction with nature can be compromised. Maybe add to that poverty, and being marginalized, and that may have contributed to the original observations made in 1892. It would be interesting to see a study proving that washing the hands actually prevents transmission of nicotine residues to a vulnerable plant, but I suspect the effect comes from the effect of smoking on our energy field at the risk of sounding new ageee. This is an interesting subject to ponder. I would be skeptical of the science that you used to know. LOL

I forgot to mention the obvious other thing that actually may be the main culprit, and that is that a heavy cigarette smoker has that odor on his or her clothing, so just as a plant gives off pheromones(?), the human is giving off the smell of tobacco smoke through clothing as well as through the skin of the body. We have all experienced that overwhelming smell on clothing, so it may not be as new agee as I thought! In an enclosed space such as a greenhouse young plant starts would be even more vulnerable to the tobacco smell directly from the human, not needing to be from second hand smoke obviously.

Originally, they used to refer to it as tobacco mosaic disease, but at some point they changed it to tobacco mosaic "virus".
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by woodman »

An article in MVN this week speaks to "Astroturf" motivation from Wa. government. Astroturf is the antithesis of a "grassroots" movement which is represented by individuals motivated at the personal level who are inspired and guided by a sense of justice. Article highlighted is: STATE MASK MANDATE ENDING NEXT WEEK.

Here is the paragraph, and it is the last 10 words that speaks to what is behind Inslee's motivation...

"The state of emergency will remain in effect to safeguard hospitals and other vulnerable settings, to protect the rights of individuals and employees to wear a mask, AND TO PRESERVE ACCESS TO FEDERAL COVID FUNDS, INSLEE SAID."
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by PAL »

Back to tobacco. I only know that people who smoke cigarettes should not touch tomato plants. I don't know the details of the science(I did at one time and am too lazy to look it up again) but it damages them. I know. I transplanted some into containers that dissolve in the soil, when plants are transplanted into them. She was a heavy smoker and evey single one of my plants died. After that I read that smokers and nicotine should stay away from the plants.
If I find the time, I can research a little further. May not have been a virus but the nicotine itself.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by woodman »

I appreciate any response I get from you. From my point of view you are putting the cart before the horse by promoting fake science since there is no proof of a transmissible particle that you could refer to as SARS Cov.2, but the real cause of disease that is being observed has to have other explanations, but we may never come to an understanding and that is okay. You can take this any way you would like, but just know that Dr Bailey is seeking the truth just as you and I are, and she is not motivated by how much $ she can make from UT subscribers, or how much book sales she can get, and she is a co-author with 3 other doctors. I don't deny that people seem to be getting symptoms that are unique, but then again the environment is presenting unique challenges as well. I know that toxicological/ environmental factors have been overlooked, and that other treatment protocols have been overlooked due to an overarching agenda that appears not to be in the best interests of public health. Nature magazine is on a par with other medical journals, and they are supposed to be beyond reproach while they are allowed to censor other valuable ideas. That's the nature of the terrain...
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by Rideback »

I don't wrap my head around poor logic or faux science. Your premises don't stand, they fail.
Another study has dropped showing the long-term effects of Covid on the brain. From Bloomberg:
'Of the myriad ways Covid-19 affects the body, causing the brain to shrink ranks among the most surprising and concerning.

A unique study published in the journal Nature this week used magnetic resonance images taken before and during the pandemic to compare morphological changes in the brains of people who'd recovered from mostly mild cases of Covid with those who hadn’t contracted it

Investigators identified Covid-associated brain damage months after infection, including in the region linked to smell, and atrophy equivalent to as much as a decade of normal aging. The changes were also linked to cognitive decline, according to the study by researchers at the Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging at the University of Oxford.

On one hand, “that sounds incredibly scary,” co-author Gwenaëlle Douaud said in an interview. On the other, she said, no one knows yet what that means for the future of Covid survivors, and whether the biological insult inflicted by the coronavirus sets people up for dementia and other chronic, life-shortening neurodegenerative conditions years or decades later.

Multiple studies have shown that SARS-CoV-2 infection can cause significant neurological and psychological symptoms, putting patients at risk of anxiety, depression and a raft of other mental health problems up to a year after their acute illness.

But, as Douaud points out, the brain is “plastic,” meaning it's able to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections to compensate for injury. There's also emerging evidence that injured brain cells can undergo repair under the right conditions to help restore function.

While further research is needed to determine the long-term impact of Covid-19 on the central nervous system and other organ systems, public health officials warn that the best way to prevent long Covid is to avoid catching the coronavirus in the first place. Multiple studies have demonstrated that two doses of vaccine can reduce the risk of experiencing prolonged symptoms from a subsequent infection by up to 60%. — Jason Gale
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by woodman »

It is curious that the tobacco plant would be implicated since humans don't eat tobacco, and smoking it has a toxic effect on human physiology, and certainly changes the energy.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by woodman »

Rideback wrote: Wed Mar 09, 2022 5:51 pm What's your point?
Jumping to conclusions that a virus is the cause of disease is jumping the gun when in every instance that I have studied there are always environmental, toxicological/ lifestyle factors involved. Have you ever heard that people have died with the virus, not from the virus? It's the same thing here. The stressed plant dies with the apparent virus, not from the virus. I know it is a lot for you to wrap your head around. Thanks for your interest. LOL By definition something is not really a virus if it does not produce disease, so again the electron micrograph of what has been termed a mosaic tobacco virus is nothing more than cellular debris, so by definition it can't be a virus no matter how many credentials the microbiologist has, or no matter how impressive an image might appear...
Last edited by woodman on Wed Mar 09, 2022 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by Rideback »

What's your point?
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by woodman »

A couple years ago a local organic farmer expressed concern about a virus that comes from a tobacco plant. I never heard of it again until today. At 1:55 in the following video Sam debunks the mosaic tobacco virus, so what else is new? The organic farmer should be comforted by the fact that the pathology that has been observed in invitro experiments does not prove a tobacco virus. The local organic farmer asked me if I was a tobacco smoker, and if I was then I should make sure to wash my hands before I touch the plants. The early "discovery" of the tobacco mosaic "virus" in 1892 was used as one of the early proofs of a pathogenic virus. It is surprising that other than the local farmer, I have not heard about this until today. An electron micrograph image unique to a tobacco plant in the found on a diseased tobacco plant does not prove that it was caused by a "virus". They simply stressed the target plant in different ways. There is a recurring theme here. At 1:55 https://www.bitchute.com/video/LTsD7YR032sf/

I hope that organic farmers and other reasonable people can see that there is no contagious virus from a tobacco plant. The idea tbat a smoker can transfer a contagious virus to a plant is even more absurd. Washing hands before picking produce, and afterwards is probably still a good idea though. I have an idea about how this tobacco "virus" may have become a thing...
Last edited by woodman on Wed Mar 09, 2022 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by woodman »

dorankj wrote: Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:33 am The link he sent demands it. With how much has changed throughout this ‘episode’ who exactly decides what “mis-information” (is that even a thing?) we aren’t allowed to see?
I agree that you should be aware, and do your own due diligence.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by mister_coffee »

dorankj wrote: Fri Mar 04, 2022 9:33 am ...With how much has changed throughout this ‘episode’ who exactly decides what “mis-information” (is that even a thing?) we aren’t allowed to see?
misinformation [N]: false or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive.

It isn't like we have a lot of experience with large-scale infectious disease outbreaks on this scale. It is certainly true that a lot of leaders and health agencies did not cover themselves in glory. My own opinion is that 90 percent of that was because we were dealing with a confusing and rapidly evolving situation and everyone was struggling to do the best they could. The other ten percent was largely because few scientists know how to effectively talk to the news media and the public at large, and the news media and the public at large aren't very good at listening to scientists in any case.

It sure as heck didn't help that western countries systematically cut public health funding for the last forty years.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by dorankj »

The link he sent demands it. With how much has changed throughout this ‘episode’ who exactly decides what “mis-information” (is that even a thing?) we aren’t allowed to see?
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by realoldtimer »

dorankj wrote: Fri Mar 04, 2022 8:07 am I thought you were against censorship Ray?
Quacking isn't censoring, Ken. Just another opinion.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by woodman »

dorankj wrote: Fri Mar 04, 2022 8:07 am I thought you were against censorship Ray?
It's okay. It's the nature of the terrain these days, so I respect Ray because in essence he is not promoting censorship, but he is sticking up for his beliefs as well. He believes as I do that a forum without censorship is better for a community to eventually arrive at the truth... https://brandnewtube.com/watch/banned-v ... eIlGi.html
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by dorankj »

I thought you were against censorship Ray?
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by pasayten »

Joe Rogan??? Why should he have any influence on Covid treatments... He's just a carnival barker and grifter... An enertainment show host... nothing more... Good grief... :roll:
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by Rideback »

It's Peter Kory not Cory. On your link check out the letters of concern. It's a real good red flag when an article starts out with that disclaimer.
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Re: History of Fauci and PCR test (Beware - use your own due diligence)

Post by woodman »

Here is some meta analyses of 18 randomly controlled trials on ivermectin. These are what Dr. Pierre Kory refers to... I am a bit skeptical of ivermectin especially if it is relied on as the sole medicine for "Covid" symptoms. It is always better to use an array of treatments in a "kit" as many countries have done. I believe that even ivermectin can disrupt the natural healing process. Joe Rogan is a big proponent of ivermectin, but it has been suggested that relying too heavily on it can cause problems in the long run. Maybe the trials prove that it appears to have great efficacy compared to doing nothing at all, and waiting to get sicker. In an ideal world a person who is actively involved in staying well would probably want to avoid it prophylactically, although if you perceive for some reason that you are at risk, then it seems to be a good medication to take short term. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8088823/
Last edited by woodman on Thu Mar 03, 2022 2:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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